In this episode we hear about a family who kidnaps a kid from the Menominee Native Americans with the belief that it is there child that the Menominee’s originally kidnapped from them.
Our first user submitted episode, we tell the story of a man in forest junction who mistreated his dynamite blew up his home and accidently killed his entire family in the process
An abusive husband is murdered by accident by his abused wife. Was it self defense or murder?
In this episode we hear the story of Gentleman in Eagle River who is visited by Aliens and the Aliens serve him Alien Pancakes.
The title says it all. Or does it? In this episode, learn about the Turners and why Wisconsin doesn’t have the death penalty.
Ozzy Osbourne wasn’t the first to experience a “shot in the dark.” Green Bay’s Orson Avery found himself on the receiving end of a burglary gang and wasn’t about to let his migraines stop him from fighting back.
In this story we tell the story of a Dr Lewis Adams who is not a doctor at all and the abortion services he ran out of Manitowoc, that eventually leads him to a murder conviction.
In this episode we head up to Marquette Michigan to hear the story of a priest who is murdered by his cleaning ladies husband for “ruining his family”
In this episode we conclude the story of this horrifying character, how he gets out of jail after receiving a huge sentence and what he does afterwards
In this episode we cover a criminal many people may be familiar with, what you might not be familiar with is that is crimes started in the early sixties. In this first part we talk about what he did in the sixties before he was convicted and put in jail for the first time.